This Protocol and Training was developed with over 15 years of Competent Experience and 认证 pertaining to Bio Hazard Cleaning, 专门的感染清理培训, IICRC名称, ABRA (American Bio Recovery Association) 认证 and many more. This protocol deals with situations such as controlling and eliminating highly contagious infectious bacteria and viruses including the Coronavirus in Long Term Care facilities, 政府大楼, 大型零售 & 商业设置和工业设置 & 仓库设施. This certification also covers biohazard cleaning in residential homes where people who have had contagious conditions such as COVID-19 have resided.
The 环境感染控制专家 Course teaches critical processes and procedures such as:
- 正确选择个人防护装备
- PPE穿搭和脱搭
- 口罩和呼吸器的适合性测试
- 预清洗和消毒现场评估
- Pre Disinfection Cleaning protocols (reducing bacteria loads verifiably to less than 5%)
- 适当的医疗级消毒工具和设备
- 正确的消毒程序
- 对长期接触安全的消毒剂类型
- 对病毒是什么以及病毒如何传播有足够的了解
- 处理OPIM(其他潜在传染性材料)
- 消除接触风险
- 后检测和验证消毒结果
The knowledge gained through our course will give you the knowledge and skills to properly and completely disinfect any type of facility that has experienced any form of viral or bacterial outbreak, 包括COVID-19.
Our EICS Certification course offers the most comprehensive learning experience in Canada for anyone who is looking to work in infection control.
Our 火车ing course offers flexible on-site 火车ing and practical applications for understanding all areas of viral infection spread and control. 这种务实的, real-world learning experience exceeds the standards requirement of all Canadian Government Health and Infection Prevention Control Agencies.
Protect the health and safety of those who work in your facilities, and limit downtime in the event of a shutdown due to a highly contagious, 迅速蔓延的疫情,如COVID-19. Having a certified 环境感染控制专家 at the ready will ensure that your business is ready to handle any outbreak at any time.
For more information on this protocol and how your team can be 火车ed and certified, email us at EICS@haoitcloud.com 或打电话 613-513-7873